Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Pretty Girl

I took these pictures of MJC over the summer...and I like them!

I recently moved into my new place and have been very busy unpacking and traveling for work. I have some posts to come: a visit with the Woods and Miss Mezzogiorno (whose sister is in Love in the Time of Cholera!) in Seattle, more with the babes, and CO and Las Vegas (which was as nasty as I expected.) Will post more soon...

Better Aussie Things

Yes, the sun was 10 meters from the earth and it was so hot I sweat from places I didn't even know I had...while sitting, unmoving on the couch. The washing machine was outside, we had no insect screens (but made some!), and we paid for things like local calls and bank accounts, but it was all worth it. ALL of it.

The best part of our time in Australia was meeting people who took us under their wings and taught us things we never knew. I feel so lucky. Look who I got to meet!

Suz: A boss who became a friend. A kindred spirit who complained about American and Australian politics with me, who shared her music with me, made me laugh daily, and who showed me so much kindness and generosity.

Imgen (as she called herself): My favorite patron of ham and cheese sandwiches...well, any food, really. Look at those eyes!

Kate: My Betty Blue Buddy...my fellow lover of good food, and a woman who dispenses excellent advice and comfortable company.

I wish I had pictures of the many others who meant so much...you know who you are.
Thank you for everything.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Aussie Things

There are so many wonderful things about Australia. The flora, the fauna, the people. We had very unique roommates in Townsville...here are our favorites:

The Laughing Kookaburra. One of the most handsome and surprising birds we've ever seen...or heard. This guy raised a family of five around our house. We had three mini-burras learning to fly and call right in our yard. They really do laugh!

Two members of the Gecko family that lived in our house. We caught them here in an...um...intimate moment. We had mini geckos all over the house a few weeks later...

The coolest ever Frogmouth family! I stalked the family of five for about a week and then they left. Poof! To this day my heart sinks to think my pursuit of them drove them away. I keep telling myself they were migrating...or nesting...or just stopping by.

Tomorrow I will post more of my favorite Aussie things...there are enough for many days worth!

Monday, October 8, 2007


MJC got a lesson about her family. A good family. Sadly, a family she won't fully know. My grandfather, her great grandfather, died when I was a month old. My mother tells me I am just like him. So, I told MJC, my niece who seems to have many of my best (haha) qualitites, that she must be like him, too: Loyal. Stubborn. Kind. Loving. Stubborn. Yes, I meant to write it twice.

I shot MJC next to the picutre of generations: My mother, grandfather, Babushka (great grandmother - whom my sister and I both knew well), great-great grandmother...and my sister (MJC's mom) as a toddler. I shot MJC about 40 times...by the end she was melting down. I got a couple neat ones, though.

This was my favorite:

Mom telling MJC who everyone in the picture is/was.

Sunday, October 7, 2007


I've had the pleasure of visiting with ABD twice since GSD was born. The first visit, three weeks after his arrival, was amazing. ABD glowed when she looked at him...and at her husband...and I can't tell you how happy that makes a friend. ABD seems satisfied. Calm. Natural. Happy. Lucky...GSD is as cute as they come, too. He started off looking like Evan to me, but when I saw him again last week I saw Andrew. He certainly has some strong Boyd genes. Davis ears - adorable. He's a handsome devil. And a big boy! He's only three months and growing like a weed. His head is steady, his eyes focusing, and he gives beautiful smiles and frm-the-belly giggles. I am in love.

Here are some shots of mom and babe at three weeks.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

The Second Child

This is my pledge to you, Miss Doodle: I will snap photos of you as often as I can. I will print them and place them in photo albums (well, as soon as I settle down in my new house). I will make sure there are more pictures of you than there are of me, my fellow second child.
Here she is. ABC. She is a wise, quiet one. She is sweet and thoughtful. She sleeps with regularity and eats without fuss. She speaks with her big brown eyes, not her lungs (and this we all appreciate). She loves animals and her sister. She is good to her parents...they deserve her. I think all parents deserve a kid like you. She has a blanket. Love it. She's not ready for words but she is a stellar communicator.
I promise to give you tips about how to navigate your way through being the second child...though I think you may already have the hang of it. Stay quiet. Fly under the radar. Above all things, remain as sweet as you are.
Help your sister. She'll undoubtedly need you.
Know your auntie is always here.


She is always thinking - she was thinking then of how to get a hold of my camera. She is quite the photo assistant.

Those big brown eyes kill me.

She looks and IS this sweet about 80% of the time!!!