I wrote this entry ages ago (December 12) and was having trouble with the video. I think I've got it this time, though!
I have been so excited about taking pictures (when I do) and keep asking everyone I know who has more experience than I do for advice. Two photographers told me to start taking RAW photos instead of JPEGS or TIFFS so I could do more with them in photoshop. Cool! So, I started. But I don't have photoshop yet and it turns out there isn't much you can do with RAW files without the software. I can look at them but no one else can - I can't share them. So, stuck in my computer, waiting for Santa, are beautiful pictures of Mela, Nate, and Conor, of Marina, and even more of my wee girls. So tonight I am experimenting with blogger. Mela posted some movies (adorable Mr. Conor grooving to Robert Marley is by far my favorite) on her blog
Wood Times so I thought I would share an old movie clip of Moo. Nine months and walking.
Still working on photoshop. Wishing I was as talented with the camera and processing as Suz's (amazing) friend